Dear Keli,
I went to the stockyards looking for Google stock to diversify our portfolio.
I didn't find any.
I was told the stockyards closed a long time ago.
I think they all moved to Wall Street.
I asked a man on the street where to get some stock.
he laughed and said "you should go to Arthur Bryants"
I went, thinking it would help us get rich!
I found out it was a famous bbq restaurant, I was very confused.
I walked into the restaurant and the man behind the counter said
"you should be on a plate!"
I became even more confused.
I then realized that people eat pigs! they call it pork. how crazy is that!
I bribed them so they wouldn't cook me and had a plate of the bbq chicken. It was tasty.
Dog with Pig Hat had the pork ribs. he said they were very good.
I think that is disgusting.
I also saw the Nelson-Atkins museum, the addition is quite nice.
I tried to get in, but the museum was closed today.
I have had bad luck with museums.
I also went to see the Yankees play the Kansas City Royals.
I cheered because the Yankees crushed them.
I also liked the hot dog race. It is famous here.
I rooted for ketchup and he won!
I didn't win any money though.
I am off to St. Louis tomorrow
Red Golden Pig
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